I’m waiting for lunch to open up. My server still isn’t up and running back in Detroit. (I really gotta think of another solution.) Last night, we had the Lotusphere Party at Universal Studios Orlando. Kiara had her first ride. She sat BY HERSELF on the E.T. ride. She was okay for most of it, but started crying in a couple of areas where it was very dark. In all, it was good. The food lines moved except in a couple of areas. I had no problem getting a beer…or two…or three…or four…. Jennifer and I both rode E.T. with Kiara, then we switched off to ride MIB: Alien Attack. That was a blast, and I scored 210,400. (I had to carry the rest of the riders in our car…they sucked!) We then went to see Shrek in 4D and the Jimmy Newtron ride. I won VUE exam voucher from yesterday’s CLP Lounge raffle. Not sure what I’m gonna use it for yet.
It’s just about over
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