On the Road Again

I’m sitting here with over an hour to spare waiting for my plane to arrive. I’m heading off again to Chicago to train once again. I found out today that I will be spending 3 more days in Chi-Town in a couple of weeks, then a full week there two weeks after that. Then, there is a possibility that there will be 3 more days of training beyond all of this.

I never minded the travel before, but with Kiara getting older, and the need to get out of our current dwelling and move to greener pastures, I’m really interested in a position that allows me more time at home. I also may have a need to get a second job to pay for a new house and private school for Kiara. All of this travelling prevents me from doing this. Why doesn’t Jennifer go to work? Honestly, we don’t have the ‘free or low cost’ family babysitter that other families have, so Kiara would be spending her time between school in the fall (half day) and some sort of day care. Doing this may end up costing us more than if Jennifer didn’t work. And, if I have to go out of town on business, that just places more stress and hardship on Jennifer and Kiara. It’s enough that they have to deal with me.

I also noticed that I’m not getting a lot of sleep because of all of the travel and because of my natural tendency to worry about my training sessions, work and family. This is starting to take a toll on me physically and mentally. I’m tired and I want to get off of the ride soon.

There has to be something better than this…