I cross-posted this at SocialBizUG.org‘s Detroit Notes Professionals Community… If you haven’t joined the community (or SocialBizUG.org), now’s the time to join! (SocialBizUG.org is the website formerly known as LotusUserGroup.org)
The concept for ‘LotusBeers’ (now IBMSocialBeerz… thanks Stuart McIntyre!) is simple… we get together at a central (or near-central) location after work one day and have a couple of beverages… notice I did not say “have a presentation”, “workshop”, “seminar” or even “conference”. I’m just talking about the concept of ‘social’ in its purest and original form… SOCIALIZING!
If you are interested, let me know where you work so a ‘near-central’ location can be picked via email, DM or by leaving a comment.
Hopefully this can be the rebirth of DNP!