SnTT: Who are YOU pointing at?

It’s been a long time since I have done one of these, but this is one of those items that will bite you in the butt if you’re not careful. It’s really one of those ‘app dev 101’ things. I’m blogging about it because it happened to one of my customers.

A customer had a database that was very slow when users were entering data in a form. I found out that this customer had moved the database to a new server, and that was when the problems began, so immediately I thought that we had some ‘locked in’ names somewhere. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the form was refreshing on field changes. I then found a few of the problems… I had a doclink that went to a nonexistant database on the old server, and I also found a couple of actions that had the old server name ‘hard coded’. A couple of quick changes, and we were good to go.

The moral to the story? When using @DbLookup, make sure you don’t hardcode in your server name and/or database name. Replace “ServerName/Org:db.nsf” with “” (2 double quotes). That way, when you move the database to another server, you won’t have problems.