Author Archives: raybilyk

Goal achieved! Welcome to those from FeedBurner!

I know that it’s not as cool as Duffbert’s achievement recently, but I’ll take the little victories where I can. I just checked out FeedBurner this morning and saw this:
A picture named M2
I want to take this time to welcome all 108 of you that are checking out my blog from FeedBurner. I’ll do my best to give you a reason to stick around. If you want to drop me a line (text or audio) and tell me why you’re here, please do so….

Car Wash Fundraiser this Saturday

Stop down at the Fr Daniel A Lord Circle 801 Columbian Squires Car Wash Fundraiser! It will be held this Saturday (August 19, 2006) from 10AM until 4PM. These are a bunch of inner city boys that are trying to earn their own money to go on some trips, like a camping weekends and trips to the Michigan Renaissance Festival. The cost of the car wash? Whatever donation you would like to make! Please help support this worthy cause.

The address is 4381 Larkins, Detroit, MI.

UPDATE: The car wash was cancelled due to bad weather. Hopefully, the boys can reschedule soon.

More information on my Arabic Lotus Notes problem

This is a small screen capture of what I’m seeing on a Windows XP Pro machine with the language pack installed with the Arabic version of Lotus Notes. (This is from the mail database):

If I remove the Arabic language pack from XP, then the drop down works, but the title bar, the direction of the toolbars, etc. are wrong. Does anyone have any ideas, because I’m running out of them???

Crazy thing happening with Arabic Lotus Notes client

I’m working on a project with an Arabic version of Lotus Notes (6.5.2) on Windows 2000 with the server being Domino 6.5.2 with the Arabic language pack. When the client opens up their mail file (with either Domino Web Access (6) or Mail (6) template), the action buttons have question marks as the first item. When I open up that same mail database from a US Notes client, the Arabic in the cascaded action bar items look fine. Any thoughts???

Michigan Columbian Squires State Canoe Race Weekend 2006

This weekend, Columbian Squires from throughout Michigan will descend upon the smallest city in Michigan, Omer, to attend the annual State Canoe Race. Most of us don’t race anymore (we tube down the river), but we do have one team that will be trying to win the only trophy (from the old school trophies) that Circle 801 has not won. Best of luck, boys!

I will be blogging and maybe doing a podcast from the Riverbend Canoe Livery, where we are camping. Wish us luck!