Author Archives: raybilyk

Another podcast is coming…

I’m getting ready to do another podcast. (In fact, I’ve been working on it since Monday.) I’m going to make it more of a traditional podcast, with music, a microphone, and other things like that.

Maybe I can get it done tonight. We’ll see….

Also, I might be accelerating our quest for moving to the Pridelands. At least things are aligning that way. Stay tuned.

Congratulations Jim!

Well, it looks like my nephew, Jim Vote, got another job. He’ll be working for the Archdiocese of Detroit on campus ministry and young adult programs. His title will have the word ‘coordinator’ in it. It sounds like a cool job, and one that he will be well suited to do.

Good job, Bro! We’ll break out the drinks when you get a chance…

BTW, it’s only about 95% a sure thing, so don’t tell anyone until tomorrow, okay?

Something that annoys me

It annoys me when someone says they’ll help you do something, then decides at the last moment to change their mind.

This is the definition of commitment:

com·mit·ment n.

1. The act or an instance of committing, especially:

a. The act of referring a legislative bill to committee.
b. Official consignment, as to a prison or mental health facility.
c. A court order authorizing consignment to a prison.


a. A pledge to do.
b. Something pledged, especially an engagement by contract involving financial obligation.

3. The state of being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action or to another person or persons: a deep commitment to liberal policies; a profound commitment to the family.

My hope is that some day, others will understand it also.

First Audio Blog Entry

UPDATE: I think that I figured it out. Click here for a direct link to the podcast. Let me know if this works in your podcast retrieval system.

this is an audio post - click to play

I haven’t figured out how to set this up for podcasting yet. Hope to do so soon.

Let me know what you think…like it? hate it?

I CAN do it… thanks to my friends!

You can do it!Thanks to the support of Declan Lynch, Richard Schwartz, jonvon and Stephan H. Wissel, I’m going to submit an abstract for Lotusphere 2006!!!

I was worried that since I was away from the blog-o-sphere and then moved it, nobody was out there reading this. It’s nice to know that not only are people reading, but it’s people I consider friends… Thanks!

If I make it there, you’ll have a beverage of your choice waiting for you…

Lotusphere 2006 Presentation…Can I do it?

Ed Brill mentioned this morning that Lotusphere abstract submissions have been extended a week.

It’s been a dream of mine to present at Lotusphere. In fact, I submitted a couple of abstracts last year, but they weren’t selected. The topics were covered by others that were definitely more qualified.

I have a second chance to submit. My questions…

First, should I submit?

Second, what should I submit?

Let’s face it, as an IBM Certified Instructor, I’m all over the place when it comes to skillsets. I’m not an ‘expert’ in any one area… I just have to know it all! I’ve done presentations at an LSM Seminar and at numerous user group meetings, so I know I can present, but what to do…

Anybody have anything???

No blame… Just thanks!

Mike Wendland blogged about this experiences down in Gulf Coast. He and the team he travelled down with should truly be admired. One thing I got out of this was that they (the people needing relief) are not blaming the government for what happened or for the lack of support. It’s amazing how much ‘nonsense’ is added to the media reports. I wish the media could just report the news, and not add their own spin on it. I thought it was called ‘reporting’…

Sitting at the Altar of Brill

UPDATE: Congratulations to David Hafey from Michigan Catholic Conference on winning the $50 Gift Certificate to Border’s. It’s nice to know that they use Domino.

First off… I KNOW SOMETHING THAT YOU DON’T KNOW!!! (I’ve always wanted to say that!) Ed Brill mentioned some cool stuff coming, but I promised him that I wouldn’t blog about it, and I WON’T. All I can say is that I’m happy I’m still working with IBM/Lotus. Can’t wait…

I’m writing this from the West Michigan Lotus User Group Meeting and Lotus Notes/Domino 7 and Beyond event in Grand Rapids. It was a capacity crowd. There were actually more people there than who signed up, and everyone who signed up showed up. That’s a rarity for free seminars. I saw some familiar faces, and got to see Ed Brill present in a much smaller room than I would normally (at Lotusphere).
A few years ago, Gatoraid put out a commercial with a song that went something like, ‘Like Mike… I wanna be like Mike…’. Well, I’m singing a similiar tune, ‘Like Ed… I wanna be like Ed…’. His presentation was outstanding! He’s also a great guy! Like a boob, I forgot to bring my Creative Zen Micro, so I didn’t have anything that I could use to interview him. (Maybe someday in the future…) Thanks to Ed for the presentation, thanks to the user group for having me, and thanks to my employer for allowing me to come.

All I’ve got to say is that I’ve got to figure out a way to get to Lotusphere! I’m looking for a sponsor…Any volunteers?