Show-n-Tell: Deleting items in Sent view with an agent

I wish I could take credit for this, but this one comes from my colleague, Phil Nocerini. Check out what’s rattling around in his warped head at – Now, on with the tip:

We have a Lotus Notes user that is using a 3rd party mobile client to work with their mail and calendar. This 3rd party mobile client (to remain unnamed) always keeps a copy of any sent item in ‘Sent’. This cannot be changed for just one person, but this person wants items in their sent deleted. Phil wrote some quick code that would run on the mail file once an hour, and would delete the sent item using the Remove method, so that the items go into the Trash, instead of being directly removed from the mail file. This will remove the message from the ‘unnamed 3rd party app’ on the Smartphone as well. (In the ‘unnamed 3rd party app’, if the message is hard deleted, the message headers will not be removed from the app. Here’s the code:

       Agent Sent View Purge
       Created Nov 22, 2011 by Philip J Nocerini
       Description: Comments for Agent
Option Public
Option Declare

Sub Initialize()
      Dim s As New NotesSession 
      Dim db As NotesDatabase 
      Dim view As NotesView 
      Dim doc As NotesDocument 
      Dim nextdoc As NotesDocument 
      Set db = s.CurrentDatabase 
      Set view = db.GetView(“$Sent“) 
      Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument 
      While Not ( doc Is Nothing
            Set nextdoc = view.getnextdocument(doc)
‘ the sample code from IBM purges documents after 30 days. CMA’s requirement is to
‘ purge documents immediately by sending them to the trash- PJN 
                  Call doc.Remove(True
            Set doc = nextdoc 
End Sub

Simple and clean!

Show-n-Tell: Cool trick for synching unread marks between replicas of the same Notes database

Man, it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these…

I got this tip from my colleague, Keith. Thanks for the tip!

Most of us have created replicas of databases before; sometimes the unread marks are synchronized, and sometimes they aren’t. An analyst from Lotus recently showed me a cool trick for pushing the unread marks from one replica to another.

1. You must first un-stack icons for this to work. After that is done, locate the two databases on the workspace:


2. Click on the ‘source’ database first. This is the replica that contains the desired unread marks set.


3. Press and hold the Shift key, then click on your ‘destination’ database. This is the replica with the bad set of unread marks.




5. The ‘destination’ database should now have the same unread count as the ‘source’. More importantly, the unread marks in any given folder should match up.

**Important Note: Whichever replica you click first will be the ‘source’ database. Make sure that you select the correct icon first!

Happy Thanksgiving and Welcome Back to the Pridelands!

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you (even those of you not reading this)! I am thankful for my family (especially my wife and my mother) and I’m thankful for all of my friends!

Second, welcome back to the revamped version of The Pridelands! As you can see, like a few other people around (special thanks to Mitch Cohen and Matt White for many of the tools and instructions I’ve used), I’ve left the comfort zone (but slightly feature lacking) Blogsphere and went to WordPress. I still have a lot of work to do, but didn’t want to wait anymore. This has been a project for some time (when I had time).

It was a hard decision to move… I want to thank Declan Lynch for the Blogsphere template that helped me in many, many ways. I wanted to to add a few features that the template didn’t have, I wanted to be a bit more consistent with other blogs I’m running, and I wanted to learn a few more things, so it necessitated this move.

As I move forward, I’ve got to convince PlanetLotus that I’ll be around for the long haul. Hopefully, I can be allowed back into the feed aggregator, and you’ll start to see a lot more of me.

Until then, HAKUNA MATATA… and GO LIONS!!!

I was wondering when this was going to happen…

Hello, Gizmo5 is writing to let you know that we will no longer be providing service starting on April 3, 2011. A week from today, March 11, 2011, you will no longer be able to add credit to your account. Although the standalone Gizmo5 client will no longer be available, we have since launched the ability to call phones from within Gmail at even more affordable rates.

Thank you, The Gizmo5 Team

Crazy Pizza Night

Tonight was Crazy Pizza Night, and Jennifer outdid herself! We had pizza with pepperoni and bacon (for the kids… not crazy), but then she made a coney dog pizza and pumpkin spice pizza (with real pumpkin)… It wasn’t EpicMealTime (check it out on YouTube), but it was SO GOOD! Outstanding job, honey!