Author Archives: raybilyk

DominoPower: A comparison of apples and oranges?

In the January 2006 issue of DominoPower, they have an article called ‘What’s really new with Domino Domain Monitoring?’. (In fact, it’s the first article listed from the issue’s home page.) In it, the author says this, "…I’ll subject the new R7 DDM features to as objective analysis as I can." Oh, by the way, the author works for GSX Groupware Solutions, which he also mentions is "…arguably a competitor to Lotus’ new Release 7 Domino Domain Monitor, so admittedly we do have something of a bias when it comes to Lotus’ marketing claims for DDM."

Now I should have known from the beginning that this was a glorified ad for a product that GSX Groupware Solutions was selling, but I wanted to give the author the benefit of the doubt. I shouldn’t have.

He used this ‘marketing hype’ versus ‘reality’ thing, but it seemed like he was comparing what was ‘marketing hype’ to sell the product to new customers versus his ‘reality’, which was just a look at the changes between previous versions and ND7. This is hardly a fair comparison.

The article had a subtitle of ‘BUSINESS PARTNERS SPEAK OUT’, so I guess that’s how DominoPower can say that it was going to be a bit one-sided, but it should not have made that the first article of the issue. It wasn’t a top news story, it was a marketing paper, plain and simple. Couldn’t the Lotusphere article have been the top article?

I guess it’s my fault for reading articles before I have my first coffee of the day. Bill Gates FEARS IBM!

I’m hoping to beat Ed Brill in commenting on this.

In this article on, Bill Gates states that despite all of the media hype, Google is not Microsoft’s biggest competitor, but IBM.

The article further mentions how IBM, Toshiba, and Sony developed the Cell microprocessor that will go into the Playstation 3 game system. (Maybe should have waited, Greyhawk??? Nah! I wouldn’t have either…)

Bill fearing IBM is not anything new to those of us working with Lotus Notes/Domino. Now the rest of the world knows. I wish they didn’t. I liked the idea of IBM going ‘under the radar’ and popping Microsoft in the head while the rest of the world watched Google and thought that IBM was ‘out of it’. It’s like the IT version of the rope-a-dope.

As The Rock would say, "Microsoft, JUST BRING IT!"

Oh, and Happy Birthday to ME!

Thirty-six years ago on this date at 3:29AM, I was born upon this beautiful planet and into the Great Circle of Life. It’s suppose to be a time of reflection, but I’m trying to stay alive (read previous post). I guess I’ll reflect more tomorrow…

If anyone wants to wish me a Happy Birthday, please feel free to comment (for anonymous posts, please leave your name).

For those of you that are going to be at Lotusphere 2006, I’m willing to take my gifts from you in liquid form.

Happy New Year…from the Warzone!

Happy New Year to everyone! In Detroit, idiots celebrate the new year by taking every weapon, bomb or stick of dynamite they can find and see if they can out ‘bang’ each other. This goes on for about 4 hours, and Detroit Police are too scared to do anything about it. All I know is that those of us that don’t partake in this stupid activity are scared!

I soooo got to get out of here…

Merry Christmas! (There, I said it!)

Linus said it best:

"And there were in the same country sheperds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

Merry CHRISTmas to all!

Grrrr! Car is in the shop!

My 1999 Honda CR-V has been making a rattling sound for about 2 months. Now, it’s making a different sound, and the ‘Check Engine’ light came on, so I had to put it into the shop. My brother-in-law referred me to Downtown Mobil Service here in Detroit. Sam Zammit greeted me and took my keys. I have a good feeling about him and this place.


I just wish I could have waited until after the holidays. This is just another bill I just can’t afford…