Fort Street Brewery News

Here is the latest from Brewmaster Doug Beedy about Fort Street Brewery:

Greetings and salutations!
     Tonight is game one of the Tigers vs. A’s ALCS and we will have specials on both 60 oz and 32 oz pitchers.  Get a 60 oz pitcher of Lincoln Lager for just $8 and everything else (except KILLER) for $9.  All 32 oz. pitchers (except KILLER) are just $5.  Come out and watch the Tigers on one of our bigscreens!  We also host speed-dating for the 33-45 year old age group starting at 7 p.m.  You must pre-register at  Today is Steak Day, so you can watch the game and enjoy a great steak meal for just $6.95!
     This Thursday, October 12th at 7:30 p.m., we will tap not one, but two new small batch beers.  "Bee-Witsed" is a Belgian wheat beer with honey malt, and "Feather In Your Cap" is a pre-prohibition or Classic American Pilsner style made at the August Beer Fantasy Camp.  Both of these are easy drinking and unique styles.  As usual, we will have prizes.  If you attended last week’s beer release, you know just how exciting one of these events can be, so don’t miss it!
     This Saturday, the 14th will be our first edition of Brewin’ with the Brewmaster starting at 12:30 p.m.  Come on out and brew with me, or just hang out and drink beer and talk about beer.  The beer that we will be brewing will be served as our 99th new beer since opening.
     I still have spots available for the next Beer Fantasy Camp on Sunday, October 22nd.  This month’s style is fall beers, which means Oktoberfest lagers, pumpkin beers, etc., all paired with a great food menu.  Cost is only $30 and includes a souvenir tasting glass.
     Just a quick reminder that Mondays are Dollar Days, with $1 Burger Babies, $1 Hot Dogs, and $2 Pints (excludes KILLER); Tuesdays and Saturdays are Steak Days, Wednesdays and Fridays are Perch Days, and Sundays are Growler Days, with $2 off growlers with an additional $5 purchase.
     Dave Hazelton is still the leader in the Fort Street Fantasy Football League.  For complete results and more details on all our events, check out the website at
See ya soon,
Fort Street Brewery
1660 Fort St.
Lincoln Park, MI 48146
(313) 389-9620

MS Frontpage is DEAD!

Boy, I missed this announcement at the Microsoft Seminar I was at last Thursday. Microsoft Frontpage IS NO MORE! Looks like another slide (or at least a reference in Ed Brill’s cool presentation at Lotusphere. People who use that garbage product should go and take a look at Nvu. It’s more standards based, and has a lot of the features that Frontpage had (or that you’ll need).

Rob Wunderlich is IBM bound

Bruce Elgort brought this Ed Brill blog entry to my attention. It seems my friend, Rob Wunderlich (of Domino Unplugged fame) is the next ‘big name’ to jump on the IBM ship.

For those people that said that IBM and Lotus are going away… this should be a signal that it’s going stronger than ever.

Congratulations, Rob!!! (Forget the device envy, because there is one other type of envy afoot…)

Fort Street Brewery News

Here is the latest from Brewmaster Doug Beedy regarding Fort Street Brewery:

Greetings and salutations!
     Thanks to all who came out to our first Volksfest Party last week.  Great beer, great food, and me in lederhosen.  Now, that’s a party!
     This Thursday, October 5th we will tap our 38th cask-conditioned ale at 7:30 p.m.  "Eleven Angry Men" is our new Oktoberfest lager with ginger added to the cask.  As usual, we will have a celebrity guest tapping the cask and prizes for a few lucky people in attendance.  Don’t miss it, or you might be one of the angry ones!
     Wi-Fi is finally here!  Thanks to Terrell’s hard work on Saturday, it’s now up and running.  At Fort Street you can watch sports on our big screens, enjoy good food and beer, and check out porn on the internet all at the same time!
     Speaking of big screens, it’s baseball playoff time and this Saturday is the MSU-U of M football game.  During all these games, we will have 60 oz pitchers of Lincoln Lager for just $8 and everything else (except KILLER) for $9 and 32 oz pitchers of everything for $5 (except KILLER).
     I still have some spots open for our next Beer Fantasy Camp on Sunday, October 22nd.  This month we feature a great selection of fall beers paired with a tasty menu.  Cost is just $30. 
     For those of you who have gone to the Fantasy Camps and wished they got more in depth with the brewing side of things,  I have a new event for you.  "Brewin’ with the Brewmaster" is going to be one Saturday a month.  The first one is next Saturday, October 14th.  I’ll be starting the brew at 12:30 p.m.  Come in, drink some beer, talk about beer, and help me brew.
     Following a big week, Dave Hazelton is the new leader in the Fort Street Fantasy Football League.  For complete resutlts and all the other news and such, visit
See ya soon,
Fort Street Brewery
1660 Fort St.
Lincoln Park, MI
(313) 389-9620

Daddy’s Little Teacher

Jennifer and Kiara stopped by at my work yesterday afternoon. Kiara immediately went to the whiteboard in one of the classrooms I was setting up and started ‘teaching’. I continued to finish up my work and didn’t look at what she was doing. This morning, I walk into the room and see the ‘formula’ for making rainbows… rain plus sun equals rainbows. I immediately called Jennifer thinking that Jennifer helped Kiara make that. “Nope,” Jennifer said, “She did that all by herself.” It seems that Jennifer told her about that when she was 3, and always remembered it.

Now I’m scared… she’s going to be WAY TOO SMART for me…

Fort Street Brewery News

This week (week of September 25, 2006) looks like fun, courtesy of Brewmaster Doug and the folks at Fort Street Brewery:

Greetings and salutations!
This Thursday, September 28th is the kick-off of our Volksfest and Welcome to October party.  The fun begins at 7:30 p.m. with the tapping of not one, not two, but three new beers!  First, we have a big batch seasonal called Eleven!, which is a classic Oktoberfest-style lager.  In addition, we have two small-batch pumpkin beers.  “The Great Pumpkin Ale” is a pretty standard pumpkin beer made with real pumpkin and pumpkin pie spices.  “Potiron Mort” is what I call a Belgian pumpkin beer, because it is fermented with a yeast from a Belgian brewery, so it has some of that typical Beglian ale character, in addition to the pumpkin and spice.  As usual, we will have some nice prizes for a few lucky guests in attendance.  Fan Club members can get their sneak peak of “Eleven!” on Wednesday.

Aside from the new beers, we will run a small German food menu all weekend long, consisting of German meat loaf, sauerkraut balls, and potato pancakes.  On Friday and Saturday, we will have a DJ playing from 9 p.m. to close.  I know that’s not very German-like, but you should see how much those German bands charge!  But don’t let those two letters scare you away.  These guys are not obnoxious, the music is not too loud, and they don’t play any of that music the gang bangers like to kill each other over.

Fort Street is going Wi-Fi!  Finally, this week we are having wireless internet installed.  If you simply cannot be away from your computer, you don’t have to hang out at Starbuck’s anymore!  Now you can spill beer on your computer instead of coffee.

Kevin and Susan Adkins are the new leaders of the Fort Street Fantasy Football league.  Complete results are posted on the website and at the brewery.

See ya soon,

Fort Street Brewery
1660 Fort St. – Lincoln Park, MI (313) 389-9620

Live Blogging from Detroit Notes Professionals Users Group meeting – Summer DominoFest

Well, as live as you can get without Internet service.

Mike Sobaczak, President of DNP, welcome us all to the Summer DominoFest. He also reminded us that summer doesn’t end until tonight. (I didn’t know that…) Bruce Elgort is the first presenter, talking up solutions. The crowd is eating it up. He’s also giving away OpenNTF shirts. Not a lot of questions, but the presentation was well received.

Our next speaker is Fred Pycko (and local rep Greg… sorry, didn’t get your last name) from IBM/Lotus Software, who is speaking on running Lotus Notes on Linux. He’s also talking about IBM’s Open Source Strategy for the Linux operating system distribution. It’s a high-level presentation, with very little actual Notes/Domino information until the end. Too bad…

Lunch was Mr. Pita, which was good. The next presentation, which was a video from Lotusphere 2006 on Application Performance Techniques for Domino Developers, was started. Bruce had to head back to the airport, so we left around 1PM. (Sorry I missed your presentation, Mike. I actually was looking forward to it. Maybe you can give me a one-on-one.)

I took a few pictures, which I placed up on Flickr. I also placed a couple of videos up on YouTube. (Here is video one and video two.) Overall, a very good meeting. Hope to see more of you at the next DominoFest.

Live from Detroit… it’s Bruce Elgort!

This morning, I picking up my buddy, Bruce Elgort (of OpenNTF fame) to take him to the Detroit Notes Professionals User Group meeting. He’s going to be talking on and their options to make your life easier. For those of you going, it’s going to be another great meeting. To those of you not going, you’re missing out…

If you can’t make this meeting, make sure you attend the next meeting… It’s worth the time away from work. Trust me!

Fort Street Brewery News

Here’s the latest from Brewmaster Doug and Fort Street Brewery:

Greetings and salutations!
Thanks to all who came out for the Beer Fantasy Camp last night.  We went from almost cancelling it, to having our biggest attendance.  The next Fantasy Camp is Sunday, October 22nd and it will be earlier, probably like 5 p.m.  Next month’s styles are fall beers.

This Thursday, September 21st is a two-fisted night at the brewery.  Not only will we tap our 37th cask-conditioned ale, “Flowers for the Kaiser”, but it’s also the return of the K.I.L.LER.  KILLER, or The Kaiser, is a fascinating “what if” beer.  It’s an IPA the way IPA’s would be if Germans did IPA’s, which means to say that it’s not really an IPA.  The cask is KILLER with flowers added to the cask, and if that doesn’t sound good, then you’ve never had a beer with flowers in it before!  The fun starts at 7:30 p.m. and we will have a special guest tapping the cask and some great prizes for a few lucky guests.

I messed up the dates in last week’s newsletter, so tonight is actually Game Night for the Southeast Michigan Singles group.  The games begin at 7 p.m. and last until 10.  Cost is $5.  If you’re single, come on out.  Who knows, you might meet the love of your life.

Steve Kowalski remains in first place in the Fort Street Football League.  Complete results will be listed on the website and in the brewery tomorrow.  If you’re a football fan, join us for all the college and NFL games.  We have $2.50 pints of most beers on Saturday until 6 p.m. and pitcher and growler specials on Sundays all day.

Don’t forget about Volksfest (people’s fest) starting next Thursday.  We will be tapping three new beers on Thursday and running a special German food menu through Saturday.

See ya soon,

Fort Street Brewery
1660 Fort St. – Lincoln Park, MI
(313) 389-9620