Author Archives: raybilyk

Show-n-Tell 2… Electric Boogaloo

I’m going to catagorize this week’s SnT Thursday under ‘Did you know that?’. Here we go…

Many of my students find that when they ‘discover’ Domino Web Access (AKA iNotes), the first thing they complain about is the URL. I would have to agree. Most end users have a hard enough time remembering their passwords. Fortunately, Lotus gave us a great tool to help with this.

It’s called ‘Domino Web Access Redirect’, a Notes database that will redirect a user’s browser to their mail file based on username/password. It can be created from the ‘Domino Web Access Redirect’ template on the Domino server. Once created, all you have to do is go through the 3 step process of setting it up. Then, once it’s set up, just point your users to that nsf file via a URL. Heck, you can even set up a redirection or (something like it) on your Domino server to make it even easier for the users.

  • An example of a user’s URL before:
    (and each person has a different URL)
  • An example of a user’s URL after:
    (and this will be the same for everyone)

Now I do understand that for many enterprise businesses, they will probably use other options, but for small to medium-sized business and for an organization with a small user base, this might just fit the bill.

Technorati tag(s): Show-n-Tell Thursday, Domino Web Access, Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino

To my readers – Help

‘Where is the love?’ Right here!

I have a great friend of mine that’s going through a really rough time right now. Personal stuff, plus work, plus school makes for a rough ride. We all have to remember that we can only do what we can do, and we have to let everything else be. What keeps us strong is our faith (in whatever ‘that’ may be) and our friends.

To my readers, if you pray, meditate, or think quietly to yourself… whatever you do… please keep my friend in your thoughts. I know that you don’t know her, but who knows? Maybe Earl is right. It might be all about karma…

Thanks for your support and help!

Show-n-Tell Thursday – Multiple commands to the Domino Server Console

My first ‘Show-n-Tell Thursday’ tip is a basic one, but one that I use in the classroom constantly. I’m surprised by the number of students that haven’t heard of it. Hope that you like it.

If you’re like me, you use certain commands over and over again at our Domino Server Console. One that I use a lot is the rep command. The problem is that I don’t like to sit there and send a command for each server that I have to replicate with. This tip will minimize that time at the console.

What you do is create a text file with each command on a new line. You can give the file any name that you want, but I like to use a bit of description of what it does in the file name. For example, I will create a text file called ‘rep2all.txt’ with the following commands on each line;

rep server1/orgname names.nsf
rep server2/orgname names.nsf
rep server3/orgname names.nsf
rep server4/orgname names.nsf

Then all I have to do is either place that file in the Domino server’s programs directory (usually something like LotusDomino and use the command
< filename.txt
or place it anywhere on your Domino server and call it by the full pathname
< d:filesfilename.txt
What you should see at your console is the commands ‘rapidfired’ to the server console.

Technorati tag(s): Show-n-Tell Thursday

I’m back…

I’ve been busy at work (including a stint in Chicago) and at home, but I haven’t forgot about my Lotusphere pictures and my ‘closing thoughts’ on it. (Sorry Captain Oblivious, looks like I’ll be the last one blogging on Lotusphere.) I’m also in on the ‘Show-n-Tell Thursdays’ that Rocky and Bruce proposed, so I guess I better get something ready for later (as in a few minutes).

Technorati tag(s): , Show-n-Tell Thursday

Tools section

Maureen Leeland is here…
Workplace Designer demo. This is a great product. Even though I have stronger admin skills, I can’t wait to go back and work with this product…
You can mix and match JavaScript and Lotus formula language. Nice!
Ouch! Maureen’s demo blew up.
Next version of Workplace Designer on Eclipse.
It will have AJAX in it.

Battery is about dead… Sorry more later…

Workplace goodness…

Workplace Managed Client( WMC) 2.6 is shipping as of today!
Workplace Collaboration Services = WCS
Workplace demo. Document Manager navigation thru Windows Explorer.

Crap…I only have 17% battary left…

WMC has Productivity Tools that allows you to work with MS Office files and the OpenOffice standards.
Now it’s a Workplace Blah Blah Blah demo…

Now comes the ‘Tools’ section…