Category Archives: Notes/Domino

IBM Notes Traveler 9 – Looks good on my Samsung Galaxy S3

I found out Friday that IBM Notes Traveler was available on at the Google Play Store. As I read the description, I noticed that the app was “compatible with IBM Notes Traveler server version and later fixpacks, as well as 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 1, 8.5.3 Upgrade Pack 2, and 9.x”, and since our server is in that range, I had to pull the switch!

Screenshot of Samsung Galaxy S3 with IBM Notes Traveler 9 icons - get them now at the Google Play Store!

The device worked great all weekend! Now to review that upgrade documentation…

LotusBeers / IBMSocialBeerz – Detroit

Detroit Notes ProfessionalsI cross-posted this at‘s Detroit Notes Professionals Community… If you haven’t joined the community (or, now’s the time to join! ( is the website formerly known as

The concept for ‘LotusBeers’ (now IBMSocialBeerz… thanks Stuart McIntyre!) is simple… we get together at a central (or near-central) location after work one day and have a couple of beverages… notice I did not say “have a presentation”, “workshop”, “seminar” or even “conference”. I’m just talking about the concept of ‘social’ in its purest and original form… SOCIALIZING!

If you are interested, let me know where you work so a ‘near-central’ location can be picked via emailDM or by leaving a comment.

Hopefully this can be the rebirth of DNP!

Lotus Notes group documents only print the first three group members

Here is another one that got me… IBM Technotes to the rescue! (This one is IBM Technote #1414908 – Group Document Print and Print Preview only shows First Three Group Members):

When you Print or Print Preview a Group document, the output only shows the first three member names in the members field

Steps to reproduce:

Open a Group Document, either in the Personal Address Book (Contacts) or in the Domino Directory. Ensure the Group Document Members field has more than 3 names. When you Print or Print Preview the document, the output only shows the first three member names in the members field. The field itself appears to be truncated in the print output.

New print functionality was introduced in 8.5.1. The user must now select “expand the name fields content when printing” in the print options before printing the group document.

This issue was reported to Lotus Notes Quality Engineering in SPR WTON7XAJ8N. It was determined that this is working as designed. New print functionality was introduced in 8.5.1. The user must now select “expand the name fields content when printing” in the print options before printing the group document.

I knew that would work for emails (the To: CC: and BCC: fields), but I never thought about the Members fields in group documents.

Hopefully this will help someone else…