Author Archives: raybilyk

Congratulations Maggie!

Today, Maggie Vote is being confirmed at St. Robert Bellarmine Catholic Church in Redford, Michigan. Maggie has been one of Kiara’s best friends. Maggie has grown into a remarkable teenager, and everyone here at Bilyk’s Pride is very, very proud of her. God Bless!

UPDATE: You can check out the pictures of Margaret Rose Elizabeth Vote’s Confirmation (taken from the Vote family camera) here.

Deep thoughts

I heard this on the radio last night (on a sports talk show) and thought I’d share it:

When you die, no one ever says about you, “Man, he’s was great with paying his bills” or “He was good about never getting into a car accident or even getting a ticket.” What they remember was how you might have given up a high-paying job to follow your dream, or how good you were to your family and others. We should follow our hearts and our dreams more.
Things that make you go, “Hmmmm…”

Duffbert creates phallic Java

Tom Duff ( aka Duffbert ) did something during the Lotusphere 2005 JumpStart entitled “Java for the Domino Developer” that could be taken the wrong way…not that there’s anything wrong with that….

During his presentation (with Joe Litton), Tom normally dumps water on himself. I guess this year, he used a squeeze type water bottle, and “…between squeezing, closing his eyes and his evident… enthusiasm, there were some who felt that the whole thing took on a somewhat, how shall I say it, ‘erotic’ nature.” (Actual quote from a participant)

Duffbert, we love you, and we kid you because we love you! But that being said…

Duffbert phallic Java will never pass the standards committee.
Duffbert phallic Java will be the future…

Lotusphere Backpacks

I hear that this year’s backpack looks like last year’s backpack, but with improvements. Can someone find out for me if they are selling the extras at the Lotus Stuff Store (like last year)? If so, e-mail me the cost and if you’d be willing to buy a couple for me. PLEASE…

Have you ever wanted to try Lotus Notes V1, V2 or V3?

Well, now you get your chance. For a limited time (February 4th, 2005), you can download and install Version 1, 2 and 3 of Lotus Notes (pre-Domino). This is to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Lotus Notes and comes to us courtesy of Ed Brill and his colleagues. (Thanks Ed and colleagues!)

Jump into the Wayback Machine and take a look here for download information.

“Looking from the Pridelands at Lotusphere” update: From the Opening Session

This is my last update on this entry. I apologize if I didn’t reference anyone’s site so far. Please e-mail me so I can check you out!

10:53AM UPDATE: Phigment Said What? with his take on the Opening Session.

10:34AM UPDATE:The Business Controls Caddy is chiming in from Lotusphere with info regarding Sarbanes-Oxley.

10:14AM UPDATE: Info on the Workplace Designer once again from Richard Schwartz and Declan Lynch here and here. Sounds like something I get really get into working with now. Where’s the download?

10:07AM UPDATE: Info on the Activity Explorer here ( Richard Schwartz ) and here ( Declan Lynch ). Why does that sound like the Workplace version of Lotus Discovery Server?

10:00AM UPDATE: A Greyhawk68 photo from the Opening Session here

9:57AM UPDATE: vowe has a picture of Ray Ozzie at the Opening Session here.

9:48AM UPDATE: Richard Schwartz has an update and thoughts on Ray Ozzie’s attendance and how HE’S SPEAKING AT THE OPENING SESSION here

9:34AM UPDATE: I knew that Declan Lynch would blog live. He’s updating an entry here.

9:20AM: I found out from Captain Oblivious first, John Cleese is the opening speaker! No SPAM for us, please! Maybe the dead parrot is being compared to Microsoft…

I can’t believe that IBM/Lotus didn’t have a webcast of the opening session…bummer!

A Message to everyone attending Lotusphere

I hope that all of you attending Lotusphere right now (especially my Blogging buddies)… have a great time! Remember that some of us can’t be there (even though WE WANT TO AND SHOULD BE THERE), so please blog early and often. We want lots of information, and lots of stories, both professional and personal. DETAILS…WE NEED DETAILS!!!

My poor 2 year old daughter is having Lotusphere withdrawal. She remembered from last year that after Daddy’s birthday, we fly to Florida to see Mickey Mouse, Bear in the Big Blue House, and my friends. She’s been very sad. If anyone can see it in their hearts to grab an extra freebie item for her (she still plays with last year’s stuff), this Lion King would appreciate it tremendously.

Since I’m not teaching next week, one of the classrooms will be turned into a ‘Lotusphere Command Center’ with many of your blogs up on each screen. I’m going to attempt to do a ‘View of Lotusphere from the Pridelands’ thing on this blog, so I’m planning on referencing many of your blogs throughout the week. Keep that information coming!