It’s not too late to sign up for MWLUG 2013, the Midwest ‘Lotus’ User Group Conference, in Indianapolis. Register HERE now!!!
One of my ‘brothers in beer’, Gregg Eldred, was scheduled to coordinate a new event this year, but due to scheduling/work conflicts, it’s been passed along to me. This gives you an opportunity to show your homebrewing skills! You don’t make your own beer? Why not? Seriously, if you have a beer from a microbrewery/brewpub by your house that you think is awesome, that will count also! Bring some to MWLUG 2o13 and compete. Here is the information from the website:
MWLUG 2013 Charity Brewfest Competition
04:00 PM – 06:00 PM – Conrad Room
Do you think you have created a great home brew or wine!!! Do you think your local micro-brewery beer is out of this world!!! Then bring them with you to MWLUG 2013 and lets find out.
We are happy to announce the MWLUG 2013 Charity Brewfest Competition. It will be held on Wednesday August 21, 2013 4:00 PM just before the MWLUG Wednesday Exhibitor Showcase Reception. This competition is open for all attendees. We would like to thank our sponsor CDW for making this event possible.

Ray Bilyk and his panel of experienced judges will taste the different entries and select the winners of this competition. [Original organizer] Gregg [Eldred] has selected some interesting prizes for this competition.
In order to participate in this competition, the submission fee is $10 with all proceeds benefiting the MWLUG Oklahoma Tornado Relief Fund. You can submit as many entries as you would like. For each entry, please bring at least two 12 ounce bottles. All competitors will need to sign a waiver. All nationally distributed micro-brewery beer do not qualify. Registration for this event will be on Wednesday.
For every dollar that we raise in this event, our sponsor Phora Group will match a dollar. We are working with other sponsors for additional matching funds that will all benefit the Oklahoma residences that have been devastated by the recent horrific tornadoes.
Thank you to CDW and Phora Group for sponsoring and matching funds raised from this event! Thank you also to organizer Richard Moy for trusting me with this. I hope to live up to the high standards that Gregg set. Thanks also to Gregg Eldred for getting the prize for the big winner.
Hope to see you all there… Cheers!